org.mongodb mongodb-driver-sync 5.1.0 junit junit 4.12 test org.mongodb bson 5.1.0 org.mongodb mongodb-driver-core 5.1.0
2.1 先在monsh连接建立collection
db.players.insertOne({name:"palyer1",height:181,weigh:90}) { acknowledged: true, insertedId: ObjectId('665c5e0a522ef6dba6a26a13') } test> db.players.insertOne({name:"palyer2",height:190,weigh:100}) { acknowledged: true, insertedId: ObjectId('665c5e18522ef6dba6a26a14') } test> db.players.find() [ { _id: ObjectId('665c5e0a522ef6dba6a26a13'), name: 'player1', height: 181, weigh: 90 }, { _id: ObjectId('665c5e18522ef6dba6a26a14'), name: 'player2', height: 190, weigh: 100 } ]
2.2 java中快速开始
public class QuickStart { public static void main(String[] args) { // 连接的url String uri = "mongodb://node02:27017"; try (MongoClient mongoClient = MongoClients.create(uri)) { MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("test"); MongoCollection collection = database.getCollection("players"); Document doc = collection.find(eq("name", "palyer2")).first(); if (doc != null) { //{"_id": {"$oid": "665c5e18522ef6dba6a26a14"}, "name": "palyer2", "height": 190, "weigh": 100} System.out.println(doc.toJson()); } else { System.out.println("No matching documents found."); } } } }
2.3 Insert a Document
@Test public void InsertDocument() { MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("test"); MongoCollection collection = database.getCollection("map"); try { // 插入地图文档 InsertOneResult result = collection.insertOne(new Document() .append("_id", new ObjectId()) .append("name", "beijing") .append("longitude", "40°N") .append("latitude", "116°E")); //打印文档的id //Success! Inserted document id: BsonObjectId{value=665c6424a080bb466d32e645} System.out.println("Success! Inserted document id: " + result.getInsertedId()); // Prints a message if any exceptions occur during the operation } catch (MongoException me) { System.err.println("Unable to insert due to an error: " + me); }
2.4 Update a Document
@Test public void UpdateDocument(){ MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("test"); MongoCollection collection = database.getCollection("map"); //构造更新条件 Document query = new Document().append("name", "beijing"); // 指定更新的字段 Bson updates = Updates.combine( Updates.set("longitude", "40.0N"), Updates.set("latitude", "116.0E") ); // Instructs the driver to insert a new document if none match the query UpdateOptions options = new UpdateOptions().upsert(true); try { // 更新文档 UpdateResult result = collection.updateOne(query, updates, options); // Prints the number of updated documents and the upserted document ID, if an upsert was performed System.out.println("Modified document count: " + result.getModifiedCount()); System.out.println("Upserted id: " + result.getUpsertedId()); } catch (MongoException me) { System.err.println("Unable to update due to an error: " + me); } }
2.5 Find a Document
@Test public void testFindDocuments(){ MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("test"); MongoCollection collection = database.getCollection("map"); // 创建检索条件 /*Bson projectionFields = Projections.fields( Projections.include("name", "shanghai"), Projections.excludeId());*/ // 匹配过滤检索文档 MongoCursor cursor = collection.find(eq("name", "shanghai")) //.projection(projectionFields) .sort(Sorts.descending("longitude")).iterator(); // 打印检索到的文档 try { while(cursor.hasNext()) { System.out.println(cursor.next().toJson()); } } finally { cursor.close(); } }
2.6 Delete a Document
@Test public void DeleteDocument(){ MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("test"); MongoCollection collection = database.getCollection("map"); Bson query = eq("name", "shanghai"); try { // 删除名字为shanghai的地图 DeleteResult result = collection.deleteOne(query); System.out.println("Deleted document count: " + result.getDeletedCount()); // 打印异常消息 } catch (MongoException me) { System.err.println("Unable to delete due to an error: " + me); } }